Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Personal Acai Story: How I Found the Best Acai Product

Since I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I am always exhausted most of the time, and I feel horrible as well. So, I am always in the lookout for anything that might boost my energy level.

I heard of acai and all of its amazing health benefits. So I was sincerely interested in an acai product to see if I could truly feel a boost of energy. What I did is order a number of acai products online.

I first test-tried Monavie Active; Monavie original and Monavie Active are very similar except that Monavie Active contains a few extra ingredients.  For a couple of days of drinking Monavie Active, unfortunately I did not feel no change in my energy level, despite its rich flavor. After finishing the whole bottle, I felt slightly less tired.

I then took Smart Basics Organic Acai Berry Juice Blend. On the first day and by the end of the day, I did not feel any major change in my energy level. I continued to drink this acai product until it was all gone, but I was disappointed to still feel hardly any significant change in my energy. But I knew that there had to be a company out there that offers a high quality acai product. So I refused to give up.

I then started to take Nova Acai Original   I love its very rich exotic flavor. Fortunately I didn't feel as tired as usual at night. On the second day, I felt slightly more alert and less sleeply. I finished most of the case but yet didn't feel much of a change. But I wanted a real power boost. I was not satisfied with Nova Acai.

I was ready to try Dynamic Health Certified Organic Acai Juice BlendOn the first day I felt a little more energy during the day. I didn't feel my everyday run-down self by the end of the day. On the second day, towards the evening, I was sadly still feeling most of my energy all gone. Luckily, later I did feel a lift of more energy. After a couple more days, I was still not pleased with the results that I have had.

Now I wanted to give Zola Brazilian Super Fruit Juice a try.  I have to mention out one negative point about this product: it contains 24 mg of caffeine. I was happy not to feel that run-down while I was taking Zola through the day. On the first day when I tried to sleep, I believe Zola was the reason why I could not sleep soundly; I kept waking up when I should have slept soundly since I got plenty of exercise.  I knew this was not what I wanted.

Earth's Bounty 100% Acai Juice sounded interesting. This acai juice has very little sugar; that is why it has a slight sweet taste. After drinking this juice for a couple of days, I didn't feel no power boost of energy on any day. So I had to move on to the next acai product.

Acai Berry Power 500I could not tell the difference between these very sweet-tasting tablets and ordinary candy. Sadly though, I was not feeling any real positive change in my energy except that I didn't feel extremely tired by the end of each day that I took this acai tablet.

Amazon Thunder Acai Berry Juice. On the first day of taking Amazon Thunder acai juice, I felt a huge difference that I had not felt before in my energy: I had this positive upbeat-I-can-do-anything feeling; as the days went by, I didn't feel exhausted at night when preparing to go to bed. I kept feeling this continuous surge of energy all day which is quite unusual for me since I am always tired most of the day because of CFS. I have to honestly admit that Amazon Thunder is yet the best acai berry juice I have tried that actually provides a lot of energy, a positive outlook, and a sense of well-being.

My Recommendation

If you want a high quality acai product, I seriously advise you to try Amazon Thunder acai products. For more product details click on Amazon Thunder.

Amazon Thunder  is a high quality product made from organic pulp acai berry with no preservatives, no caffeine, or added sugar.  Each bottle contains 32 ounces of pure acai juice.

In addition, Amazon Thunder acai products carry the USDA-approved label; the company conforms to the highest standards in quality control and its acai products are processed in quality controlled USDA organic certified facilities in Brazil. When their acai puree juice was tested, it received a high ORAC score. All Amazon Thunder products are reasonably priced.

Special Note:

Todd, owner of Amazon Thunder, was thoroughly tired of seeing all the inferior mlm acai products; so he created his own brand of high quality acai berry products. Trust me: you are sure to experience real results with his Amazon Thunder.



Product Note:

Amazon Thunder acai powder product contains 90 grams of pure acai powder; this is a whole month supply. Use only 1/2 a scoop on a daily basis. Half a scoop of acai powder is equivalent to 3 grams.